
Cost of Cosmetic Surgery

What is the Cost of Blepharoplasty? How much does Eyelid Surgery cost?

Anyone can experience the benefits of cosmetic eyelid or facial surgery – look at Dr. Chandler’s Before and After Eyelid and Facial Plastic Surgery Photos! Those are all actual patients, and they were thrilled with their results. The cost of eyelid surgery ranges from $5,000-$16,000 depending on what you and Dr. Chandler decide during a personalized consultation of your best surgery options. Less involved procedures may cost less and more complex surgery typically costs more. Some eyelid surgery procedures can be performed in the office surgical suite which defrays some surgical costs. If surgery is performed in an outpatient surgical center there are additional charges for anesthesia and facility fees ($2800-$4000). Dr. Chandler performs his outpatient surgery at the top rated Abington Outpatient Surgical Center.

How much does Mole Removal cost? What is the Cost of Skin Tag Removal from the Face?

Face moles, growths, and skin tags can vary greatly in size, location, and difficulty in removal. Most facial growths can be removed and treated in the office with local anesthesia. Health insurance does not pay for the cosmetic removal of moles or growths on the face. Dr. Chandler routinely removes skin tags, moles, xanthelasmas, keratosis, papilloma, lipoma, hemangioma, and cysts. Many physicians including dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and eye doctors refer to Dr. Chandler for his specific expertise in mole removal and skin tag removal. Look at Dr. Chandler’s Before and After Mole Removal and Skin Tag Removal Photos!

The mole removal cost starts at $1250-$5000 and these fees can vary depending on the number of growths and the time and expertise required to remove them. Growths on exposed areas of the face can be challenging to remove, but Dr. Chandler always strives to removes facial moles and growths with as minimal scarring possible and he has years of experience. Trust your face to Dr. Chandler, a cosmetic face mole removal expert with incredible experience.

What is the Cost of Botox? Botox cost in Philadelphia?

Cosmetic Botox is non-surgical treatment for reducing wrinkles and reversing aging signs that Dr. Chandler performs in the office. This cosmetic treatment may be combined with eyelid or facial surgery as well for added benefits. Dr. Chandler creates a Botox plan for you during your consultation that is designed specifically for your face. Dr. Chandler performs all Botox injections himself, so you will always receive care from a Board-Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon and not any assistants or non-physicians. He believes that rather than a “per unit” cost, each patient’s facial cosmetic plan is based on what each person requires to achieve the best results. Costs vary, but can range from $500-$1500 for non-invasive Botox injections. Come see Dr. Chandler and create a Botox Philadelphia plan to start enjoying the most beloved cosmetic surgery and wrinkle reducing product in the world!

What is the Cost of Facial Fillers (Juvederm, Voluma, Restylane)?

Facial fillers are non-surgical treatments for facial sculpting and contouring that are performed in Dr. Chandler’s office. These cosmetic treatments may be combined with surgery as well for added benefits. Dr. Chandler creates a facial rejuvenating plan for you during your consultation that is designed for your face. Dr. Chandler performs all facial filler Philadelphia treatments himself, so you will always receive care from a Board-Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon and not any assistants or non-physicians. He believes that rather than a “per syringe” cost, each patient’s facial cosmetic plan is based on what each person requires to achieve superb results. Costs vary, but can range from $750-$4000 for non-invasive facial sculpting. Come meet with Dr. Chandler to discuss a cosmetic rejuvenation plan and start looking and feeling great!

Do you offer payment plans for the Cost of Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery or Face Mole Removal?

At Dr. Chandler’s practices payment plans are available and can help defer a one-time payment — please contact his office in Philadelphia (Jenkintown / Willow Grove / Abington PA) or South Jersey (Moorestown / Cherry Hill NJ) for assistance with cosmetic surgery pricing, including financing for your procedure(s).

Cosmetic surgery is a chance to do something for yourself that will make you look and feel great for years to come!

Is Eyelid Surgery covered by health insurance? Is Eyelid Surgery covered by Medicare?

The vast majority of Dr. Chandler’s work is elective cosmetic surgery. In some instances with very elderly patients who suffer from functional visual loss due to extreme sagging of the eyelids, insurance may cover upper eyelid surgery cost and some other’s surgical costs. However, there are very strict guidelines set by insurance carriers and Medicare that few patients meet. Simply having saggy, baggy, droopy, heavy or uneven eyelids does not mean that health insurance considers fixing these appearance issues to be “medically necessary.” This issue has been examined very closely by private insurance providers and Medicare over the last several years, and they have determined again and again that the vast majority of eyelid surgical procedures are considered cosmetic in nature. Guidelines from years ago no longer apply today. Despite these insurance issues, Dr. Chandler is here to make you look and feel amazing after your rejuvenating procedures!

2024 Top Doctor for Plastic Surgery in Main Line Today!

Dr. Damon Chandler was named a 2024 Top Doctor in Main Line Today for Plastic Surgery.

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