


Mole Removal in Philadelphia | Main Line & NJ


Mole Removal by Dr. Chandler, facial mole removal artist and expert

Dr. Chandler routinely performs cosmetic mole removal from the eyelids and face, even in the most challenging areas including mole removal from the nose, cheeks, eyelids, lip or lips, forehead, jawline, neck, or scalp. Dr. Chandler specializes in treating moles, skin tags, cysts, nevus/nevi, lesions, and more. With vast experience, he has performed thousands of mole removal procedures, including treating keratosis, cholesterol deposits, xanthelasma, and lipoma removals from the face. Patients seek out Dr. Chandler from all over the country when they have been turned away from other physicians and surgeons. Many patients express dissatisfaction with scars left by other physicians and dermatologists after growth removals. They turn to Dr. Chandler for minimal facial scarring. Reach out to Dr. Chandler for face mole removal consultations in the Philadelphia and South New Jersey metro area.

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Anxious About Mole Removal or Skin Tag Removal from Your Face or Near Your Eyes?

Concerned about moles or skin tags in delicate facial areas? Dr. Chandler is an expert mole removal surgeon specializing in these intricate procedures. With extensive experience in facial and eyelid surgery, Dr. Chandler is the top choice for many plastic surgeons, dermatologists, and eye doctors. Beyond just words, Dr. Chandler’s before-and-after mole removal photos showcase his top results. Looking for top mole removal in Philadelphia? Consider Dr. Chandler, a facial cosmetic surgery specialist. Explore his extensive face mole removal portfolio to see transformative outcomes.

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Mole Removal Philadelphia, PA

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Before & After Photos

Other Face Skin Growths Treated at Chandler Cosmetic Surgery

Philadelphia Facial Mole Removal (FAQs)

What to expect after mole removal? What is the Recovery like After Mole Removal?

Recovery after mole removal is typically mild, requiring minor care afterwards including the use of a topical ointment and avoiding sun exposure. There is little to no down time after mole though there may be a small amount of bruising. After removing scars or facial growths, Dr. Chandler discusses recommendations about bathing, swimming, and caring for the treated areas.

What Anesthesia is Used for Face Mole Removal? Does it Hurt to have Moles Removed from my face?

Almost all facial or eyelid moles, cysts, skin tags, xanthelasma, milia and growths are removed under local anesthesia in Dr. Chandler’s office surgical suite. Besides a few pin pricks for the numbing medicine, mole removal from the face or around the eyes should be virtually painless. Oral sedation can be used if patients are very anxious prior to their procedures. Dr. Chandler prides himself on being especially gentle and understands that any surgical procedure on the face can be a daunting experience. Typically there is little to no pain after mole removal though there can be some itching as the area heals. Dr. Chandler does not “freeze” or “laser” off moles or skin tags. Click here to learn the method recommended for the best mole removal results.

Are there Scars After Mole Removal?
Dr. Chandler always strives to minimize any scarring after mole removal. Each mole and every person’s face/skin is different. The location and size of the mole determine scarring variation. Most moles rise above the skin, and after removal, the skin usually becomes smooth/flat in that area. This smoothness allows any post-removal scar or pigment change to blend well with the surrounding skin. Dr. Chandler discusses and reviews expectations of scarring and post-operative appearance with each patient during your consultation.
What is a Xanthelasma? Can Xanthelasmas be Removed?
Xanthelasma (“zan-the-las-mas”) are yellow/white cholesterol deposits in the skin that are located in the inner corner of one or more eyelids. Xanthelasmas do not harm the skin or the eyes and they cause no pain. Doctors do not understand precisely why these deposits form in this exact location on the face. Whatever the scientific reason for these deposits, they can be unpleasant looking and understandably many people want them gone. Chemical peels and laser treatments offer very limited improvement, can be dangerous near the eyes, and typically give less than ideal results. Surgical xanthelasma removal is the definitive treatment for xanthelasmas. Dr. Chandler uses a delicate, precise technique and has specialized in this type of eyelid plastic surgery throughout his career. Dr. Chandler always strives to leave the most minimal of scarring which can require very great precision in Xanthelasma removal cases. Xanthelasmas can recur unfortunately, but after surgical removal this typically takes years. Health insurance companies do not deem xanthelasma removal as a medically necessary procedure because doctors remove them solely to improve appearance. Schedule a Xanthelasma removal consultation with Dr. Chandler today for a complete discussion of this challenging cosmetic condition.
Cost of Mole Removal: Is It Covered by Insurance?
Face moles, growths, and skin tags can vary greatly in size, location, and difficulty in removal. You can have most removed and treated in the office with local anesthesia. Health insurance does not pay for the cosmetic removal of moles or growths on the face.
The cost of face mole removal starts at $750-$6000 and these fees can vary depending on the number of growths and the time and expertise required to remove them. Growths on exposed areas of the face can be challenging to remove, but Dr. Chandler always strives to removes facial moles and growths with the minimal scarring and he has years of experience.
Can Moles, Cysts or Growths be Removed from the Edge of the Eyelid? Can moles be removed if they are near the eyeball or touch the eyeball?
Removal of moles, growths, cysts, or skin tags on the edge of the eyelid requires an expert. Dr. Chandler has a reputation for removing facial moles precisely, especially near the edge of the eyelids, touching the eyeball, or around other delicate structures. If you have a mole near your eye, ensure your surgeon has high training and is a top expert in treating such specific conditions. Please look at Dr. Chandler’s Before and After Plastic Surgery gallery for many examples of various eyelid growth removals (upper eyelid, lower eyelid, outer corner of the eye, along the edge of the eyelid / eyelid margin) Before and After Photos of Eyelid Mole Removal

Schedule A Consultation

Dr Chandler provides mole treatment, face and neck skin tag removal, cyst/cysts, keratoses, xanthelasmas, milia, nevus/nevi, lipoma or face growths for patients located in Philadelphia PA, Jenkintown, Abington, Main Line, Lower Merion Township, Radnor Township, Gladwyne, Villanova, PA, or South Jersey, Cherry Hill and Moorestown, NJ at Chandler Cosmetic Surgery. Fill out our Contact Form or call our Moorestown NJ office in South New Jersey, NJ or call our Jenkintown PA office in the Philadelphia area to schedule your mole removal / facial growth consultation today.

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