As we age most of us develop some degree of bags under our eyes. Fat in the area, coupled with sun damage to the skin, declining collagen production, and sagging from normal aging all work together to make these bags more and more noticeable. Sometimes even younger people, thanks to a genetic predisposition, can develop undereye bags.
Regardless of the reasons, no one is happy to see these bags and circles under our eyes.
Dr. Chandler can address the problem with eyelid surgery and also, you can see for yourself.
Why do these eye bags develop?
Under eye bags consist of fatty tissue which contains a large percentage of fluid. Unlike other areas of the body, fat in our lower eye area typically has nothing to do with your overall body weight or diet. Bags develop when this fatty tissue from the eye socket begins to protrude, bulge, or even move out of place as we age. Patients often assume their bags are fluid that can be “drained” and often their puffiness is variable. In reality, treating eye bags requires meticulous and delicate surgery.
To address undereye bag and general sagging in the lower eyelids, Dr. Chandler performs lower blepharoplasty.
What does lower eyelid surgery accomplish?
These procedures with Dr. Chandler effectively rejuvenate the eyes and the area immediately beneath them.
- Lower eyelid bags are significantly improved
- Sagging eyelids and excess skin are tightened
- The entire lower eyelid area is rejuvenated
- Incisions can be made just under the eyelashes or inside of the eyelid
- Scarring is virtually invisible after healing
What is recovery like after lower eyelid surgery?
Under eye bag surgery is not difficult for our patients. We recommend applying cold for about 24 hours following your surgery, and if you apply them diligently your swelling and bruising is often minimized. There is little pain after these procedures; patients typically only require over-the-counter pain medication to manage their discomfort. Bruising can descend into the cheeks, but any bruising and swelling usually runs its course over the first week. After about two weeks, the bruising improves and often is gone.
Do you want to do something about those bags under your eyes? Maybe 2020 is the year to do so. Call Dr. Chandler at (609) 877-2800 (Moorestown) or (215) 885-6830 (Jenkintown) to schedule a consultation.