


Ptosis Surgery

Ptosis of Eyelid Ptosis (“toe”-sis) is the medical term for a drooping eyelid. It refers only to the upper eyelid position (not the skin on the eyelid), and, if severe enough, ptosis can affect the upper field

Ptosis (“toe-sis”) is an odd word with a simple definition. Ptosis is the medical term for a drooping eyelid. It refers only to the upper eyelid and it really makes someone look tired and worn out. Dr.

When a person has abnormal drooping in one or both eyelids they have a condition known as ptosis. The lid may droop only slightly or it may cover the pupil entirely. It can affect both children and

Ptosis (“toe”-sis) is the medical term for a drooping eyelid, specifically referring to the position of the upper eyelid, not the skin itself. Severe ptosis can impede the upper field of vision, although it doesn’t cause blurry