freeze off mole

During visits to a dermatologist, they might use freezing techniques to address various growths and keratoses appearing on your arms, hands, back, and legs. This helps prevent these unsightly or potentially pre-cancerous growths from progressing or worsening.

It’s tempting to consider having a dermatologist freeze or burn off unwanted moles, skin tags, cysts, or other growths on your face. However, it’s crucial to think twice before undergoing such procedures. They can potentially lead to scarring, which is particularly undesirable on the face. Moreover, attempting to remove growths, especially near the eyes, can be dangerous if not done by a specialist. Many dermatologists, ophthalmologists, and plastic surgeons refer patients with challenging growths, particularly near the eye area, to experts like Dr. Chandler. Such cases demand specialized plastic microsurgery techniques to ensure safety and optimal aesthetic results.

Visit any of our Chandler Cosmetic Surgery offices in Philadelphia, PA, South Jersey, NJ, the Main Line, and surrounding areas for top-notch mole removal. Dr. Chandler will personally evaluate you for surgical treatment of facial moles, skin tags, and other blemishes. With extensive experience in freezing off moles, he takes pride in ensuring the most minimal scarring possible.

Can You Freeze Off a Mole: How Does it Work?

Moles are common skin growths. While many people choose to leave them untreated, others might find them cosmetically undesirable. For those seeking removal, freezing moles—often referred to as cryosurgery or cryotherapy—is a popular method. It can quickly and effectively reduce the appearance of moles on the face.

The procedure is relatively quick. It starts with your doctor administering a local anesthetic. Afterward, they will apply liquid nitrogen to freeze the mole, causing it to eventually fall off. Some swelling and redness might occur for a few days, but these symptoms typically subside quickly. In certain cases, your doctor might prescribe antibiotics to prevent any potential infections.

Many individuals consider freezing as the most straightforward and quickest method for mole removal. However, when not executed correctly or under the right conditions, this approach can pose risks. Potential complications include scarring, skin discoloration, and subtle changes in sensation, though these are typically minor. It’s essential to consult your doctor before deciding to freeze off a mole to determine the most suitable option for your circumstances.

If you’re seeking mole removal in Philadelphia, look no further than Chandler Cosmetic. Dr. Chandler is renowned as one of the city’s top surgeons in this specialty. Leveraging state-of-the-art laser technology, he possesses the expertise to target and remove moles effectively, ensuring the surrounding healthy skin remains untouched. Unlike the process of freezing moles, laser removal by Dr. Chandler typically has a shorter recovery time and fewer side effects. For unparalleled treatment and results, reach out to Chandler Cosmetic.

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What are moles and other growths on the face?

There are several skin lesions that are common and benign.

  • Moles are typically brown or black growths on the skin. They can start appearing during childhood and continue to develop throughout the first 25 years of a person’s life. By the age of 30, most individuals have between 10 and 40 moles. Moles form when skin cells known as melanocytes, which produce the pigment responsible for our skin’s natural color, cluster together instead of being evenly distributed across the skin. Over time, moles can change in color, become raised, or even develop a hair. Some moles may gradually fade away, while others can transform into skin cancer, though this is rare. To ensure the safety and health of his patients, Dr. Chandler sends all removed moles for pathological examination to guarantee an accurate diagnosis and to confirm the absence of any unexpected skin cancer.
  • Skin tags are small flaps of tissue connected to the skin by a stalk. While they are harmless, they can be considered unsightly, especially when located on the face or neck.
  • Seborrheic keratoses are brown or black growths commonly found on the chest, back, and head. Originating from cells known as keratinocytes, they resemble warts in appearance. While they are more prevalent on the faces of older individuals, they can manifest at any stage of life.


Dr. Chandler possesses extensive experience in freezing off various types of facial skin growths, including moles, nevi, and skin tags. The procedure is conducted in-office, and with Dr. Chandler’s plastic surgical expertise, the risk of scarring is minimized.

You have any question about “Can you freeze off a mole”  then click to see an extensive freeze off mole removal gallery for the Mole Removal Before and After Photos from Dr. Damon Chandler.

If you’re ready to get rid of that unsightly freezing mole removal, skin tag, cyst, xanthelasma, keratosis or other unwanted growth, contact Dr. Chandler at his South Jersey, NJ (Moorestown/Cherry Hill) office, (609) 877-2800, or his Philadelphia, PA (Jenkintown/Abington) office, (215) 885-6830, to schedule a cosmetic consultation.

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