

Lower Eyelid Surgery (Eye Bag Removal)The lower eyelids and the area under the eyes work together to create one of the telltale signs of aging, eye bags. The eyelids sag with the accumulating years, and fat tissue begins to protrude beneath the eyes, creating the universally despised undereye bags. Unfortunately creams and lotions cannot correct eye bags.

Dr. Chandler has extensive experience correcting these issues with eye bag removal / lower eyelid blepharoplasty.

Would lower blepharoplasty be right for me?

In the lower eyelid area, the biggest concern for most people is their undereye bags. There is a genetic predisposition for a person to accumulate fat in this area, but as our skin thins with age everyone is more prone to showing fat under their eyes.

The fat that creates these bags usually comes from the eye socket. As we age it begins to protrude and become much more visible. Many people think this is a fluid buildup that varies from day to day. These bags are actually made up of fatty tissue. This fat buildup isn’t usually the result of an increase in weight, but a combination of thinning skin, declining collagen production, and your genes.

How eye bag removal is performed

To improve the appearance of these undereye areas and the lower eyelids, eye bag removal surgery is really the only option. Dr. Chandler removes, sculpts, or repositions the fat that is causing the bulging/protruding areas. This smoothes and rejuvenates the entire eye area. He also removes excess skin and tightens the lower eyelid, as appropriate. Incisions for this delicate procedure are placed just under the eyelashes and run into the natural creases of the eyelid, or he may place the incisions inside the lower eyelid. Either way, these incisions become virtually invisible very quickly.

Can I get lower eyelid surgery if I have had PRK or LASIK surgery?

LASIK and PRK surgeries address the shape of the cornea and in no way affect the eyelids. Patients who have had either of these vision correction procedures can have blepharoplasty. Dr. Chandler wants his patients to wait six months after having LASIK/PRK before having this procedure, just to be sure the cornea has fully healed.

Call (609) 877-2800 in Moorestown / Cherry Hill NJ to schedule an eye bag removal consultation with Dr. Chandler.

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